Wednesday, May 8, 2013

5th Grade Self Portraits

5th grade learned different styles of portraiture, including:  Realistic, Abstract, Modigliani, and Anime/Cartoon/Caricature. Students chose their own style and created a drawing of a self-portrait. They were asked to choose any "drawing" material, such as: colored pencil, oil pastel, crayon, charcoal, and and chalk. We touched on the basic placement of features, simple ways to draw features, and incorporating shading. They created their own background and boy, do they look A LOT like them.

Fourth and 4/5 Split Clay Dragons

4th and students in Ms. Sitek's 4/5 split class have been working diligently on these clay dragons. They first brainstormed characteristics of dragons and what a dragon exactly is and then learned about the differences in the way dragons are portrayed in Eastern and Western cultures. We looked at many examples and then created a sketch. Students further developed their clay skills in building these dragons, because there are so many details and parts of the dragon to consider. Most are finished building and we will begin glazing soon.
I love the variety of the styles.

Kinder Springtime Butterflies

Once upon a time, the kindergartners mixed colors with their hands. From these paintings, we created butterflies. We folded the paper in half and drew a number "3" against the fold of the paper, cut the paper, and opened this up. We brainstormed what the world might look like in Spring, and then created oil pastel backgrounds. Many of us chose to show beautiful flowers that are making their appearance, the sun, and bright green grass. We glued our butterflies on top and they are so colorful they could brighten anyone's day.

Second Grade Symmetry Creations

I am catching up my blogging! April was quite the month...Graduate school semester ended, we had a fantastic art show at the Cultural Center (post to come), I became an aunt to a sweet baby girl in North Carolina, and I had my wisdom teeth yanked out of my head. I apologize for the delay and I'll be posting as much as I can.

Second grade also just finished up their symmetry creations. We took a piece of paper, folded them in half, and cut an interesting line from the bottom to the top. Because we folded the paper, the end result after cutting and then opening the paper was a symmetrical shape. With our imaginations in high gear, we used construction paper, glue, and markers to create an interesting piece of art (many monsters and aliens!) and add details.

Second Grade Flower Vases

Second graders have created these still-life flower vases based on Vincent Van Gogh's "Sunflowers". We drew a vase, learned how to create several types of flowers, and created a table and background in the picture. Second grade learned how to color in using lines to imitate the brushstrokes, similar to Van Gogh. This creates energy and movement in a piece of art. The students all did a wonderful job and I just love the different items they drew on their table tops.