Monday, March 25, 2013

Third Grade Medallions

These Byzantine medallions were a hit! 3rd graders learned about the Byzantine Empire (where, what, when) and the beautiful medallions that were created in this empire*. We first created a sketch of our medallions, creating symmetry and/or radial symmetry (same on all sides). Students then rolled out a slab of clay, cut the shape of their medallion, and then created their design, starting from the center and working outward. I reminded the students to keep in mind shape, line, and design when creating these medallions. The medallions were put into the kiln once, then painted with some awesome metallic paints. For a final touch, we added gems and jewels, just like the real Byzantine medallions!  Most of the third grade classes are still working on these.

* The Byzantine Empire is what is now modern-day Turkey (We used Google Earth to find this area). This empire was rich in gold, silver, and many jewels, that were mined by the people who lived in the empire. This was very convenient because this area was a center for trade between the west and the east. These medallions were worn around the neck and often were a symbol of faith and/or who each person was in their society. Everyone could wear gold, silver, and many different kinds of jewels, but only the Emperor and noblemen could wear Sapphires, Emeralds, and Pearls (because they were so rare).

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