Tuesday, February 19, 2013

1st Grade Rocket Ship Art

First Grade is currently working on rocket ships in outer space, which is a mixed media piece. First we built our rocket ship (or space shuttle) out of a variety of matte board shapes and popsicle sticks with glue. We worked on a "launch pad" (manila paper). After the glue dried, we painted our rocket ships with a variety of metallic colors:  gold, silver, bronze, copper, and antique gold. To research our background, we browsed the NASA websites for images of the sun, the planets, and other outer space objects like comets, asteroids, moons, etc. I highly recommend the student website:  http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/index.html  (I was mesmerized by the images!) Our background is being drawn on dark paper with crayon and soon we will arrange and glue our rocket ships down. Here are some pictures from Mrs. Allen's class:

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