Friday, January 25, 2013

Kindergarten Paper Sculptures

Kindergarten are finishing up these beautiful paper sculptures. Using flat paper and manipulating it to pop out from a flat base is a great way for students to understand three-dimensional form and sculpture better. Of course, we discussed how sculptures can be made from a variety materials, but our sculptures were made from paper. I demonstrated to students how to create folded tabs on the end of paper strips so the paper can be glued down. I also demonstrated twisting and accordion folding and they were very excited by this because they know from previous lessons that this is a way to create interesting textures on their sculptures. Many of them show so many lines moving around the paper that they seem to have an energy all on their own!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

5th Grade Hand-Knitting

Before break, 5th grade learned how to hand-knit. I was amazed at the way they caught on so quickly, and soon I had many students asking to borrow yarn. I was thrilled to see them enjoying this so much! This is a wonderful activity to do while watching TV or movies, or just sitting back and listening to music. Here are a few girls working on their knittings who come to visit during some lunchtimes.

First Grade Clay Snowmen

First grade is currently finishing up their clay snowmen. We took a "practice" clay day using modeling clay to learn how to build the snowmen and play with ideas. To build the snowmen, students created three sizes of clay spheres, which were then formed into pinch pots and attached them together (using the scoring method- which was new information). Everyone had different details, from winter hats and scarves to hockey sticks to carrot noses. They are so cute and soon they will be glazed and have pipe cleaners for arms.

2nd Grade Winter Landscapes

Second grade created these winter landscape using tempera paints and oil pastel. I demonstrated mixing tints (adding a color plus white) and shades (adding a color plus black), to create many different hues for a snowy landscape. Students learned about shadows and the appropriate way to place those on their paper for a more "real" looking painting. Details were added with oil pastel after the paint dried, which allowed for a more textured look. Their unique takes on winter landscapes make me smile! :)

Kindergarten Winter Trees

These beautiful sparkly winter trees were created by our Kindergartners. First, we drew all sizes of triangles: large, medium, small, to create the trees. Then details were added and glitter lain on top of glue. Students used a sponge and white paint on top of a paper (their choice of color) to create a textured print for snow. Finally, we discussed how trees that look small are far away and larger trees are close, and students cut, arranged, and glued down their trees to their paper

3rd Grade Winter Mural

Before we went on winter break, Mrs. McNally's class created a mural based on the theme of winter. Each student contributed to the mural, constructing their own piece to add to the whole. They were so creative and came up with some really unique ideas. Check it out! It's also hanging up in the East stairwell.