Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Kinder Texture Tiles

Continuing with our lesson on texture, Kindergarten has created these clay texture tiles. They each received a tile and then used different objects and clay tools to create all kinds of textures with on the tile. They were dried out, were baked in the kiln, and we then glazed them to add colors. They were baked one more time, and here they are!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2nd Grade Mixed-Up Chameleons

These cute little buggers were created by the 2nd graders. We defined a pattern, looked at patterns, even shared patterns that we've seen at home or in other places. The students then created patterns with paint markers on construction paper. We read "The Mixed-Up Chameleon" by Eric Carle. Next, step by step, we fringed the paper, drew and cut shapes, and stapled and glued these reptiles together. Our final touch was adding the tongue.

5th Grade Birch Tree Paintings

Right now we are working on some watercolor birch tree paintings. This lesson really helps us understand depth and perspective, and how to create this illusion on a flat space. First we created trees out of masking tape to keep the paper underneath the tape white. After our tape was down, we drew a horizon line. Next we mixed different values of watercolors, many of us created very light values of blue or violet for snow. Then we painted the sky and discussed placement of shadows on the ground. Soon we are going to peel the tape off, add shading to the white trees (Ms. Hatch even has some birch tree bark to pass around - she grew up in the middle of the woods), and also add details. Watercolor also really helps us learn patience- you just can't rush watercolor! More photos coming...