Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Oh, The Things Kids Say! :)

Maybe life has got you down. Maybe the holidays are hitting your stress button. Maybe you spilled your coffee. Worse, maybe you ran out of coffee. Sit back and enjoy these anonymous quotes. Life is too short not to laugh. I will update this periodically. Check out Mrs. Herman's P.E. blog for more entertainment.

"Ms. Hatch, I feel dangerous when I use duct tape"

Ms. Hatch, I feel mature when I use Sharpies"

"I'm tired of turkeys. It's turkeys, turkeys, turkeys, all day long" (around Thanksgiving time)

"My glue bottle is sick" (It was clogged up)

"Ms. Hatch, can I get you anything? A glass of water?"

"Why are minivans called mini when they are bigger than most cars?"

"This color is DELICIOUS!"

"I am a MESS." (Yes. Yes, I know how that feels)

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